Enchanted Forest…


Beyond mind, beyond body, this is the space and place where all things are probable and possible.

Beyond belief, all things exist and there is no such thing a limitation.

This photo was taken on Orcas Island in the early morning mist.  I was ‘called’ to this place.  Well off the beaten path, it is filled with magic and mystery.  Filled with Nature Spirits, it is a pleasure to share it with you.

Can you see the Nature Spirits?  The faeries, the gnomes, the unicorms… and more?

If not, just remember the child that you are.  Regardless of your chronilogical age, the child part of you exists.  Use that imagination.  You know, when you could fly and be anything possible.  Now look at the photo again.  It is an Enchanted Forest and all things are possible here.

What all is it you see?  What all is it you feel?  Remember, you are always welcomed here.

Enjoy…  I am I’Maya



The photo is a NASA’s Aqua satellite image  showing the smoke billowing off the coast of California from the massive blazes, Oct 22, 2007.  Wildfire activity is outlined in red.

On September 11, 2007, we arrived at a point in time, a destiny you might label it, wherein greater change will be noticed by humanity where-ever we might set our vision.  Upon ourselves, our societies, our cultures, business, religions, and certainly Nature.

That particular date marked our emergence toward accelerations, transitions and transformations within ourselves as one and as a whole.  Not to mention Nature… once again.  And what we will notice, especially with Nature will show up more and more.  As Spirit has shared with me: ‘You haven’t seen anything yet.’   What was also shared is that by the end of this month and into early next month, much will be taking place upon our planet to go well beyond ‘ignoring’ by the many who feel comfortable, sitting in their easy chairs, watching ‘what is happening’…believing that nothing will be happening to them.  Well, what is taking place upon our planet with Nature is her re-balancing of herself.  As a living entity, our Earth has come to the Gate whereby she is assimilating to the new energy or what I have labeled as The New Dawn.  What takes place will not be ‘not noticed’.  Yet, friends, it has begun in earnest…. our Earth Changes.

And it will show up more and more and have an impact of each and every one of us.  Yes, every one of us, globally.  For you see, the one does indeed affect / effect the whole.  Let’s look at the fires in California.  The displacement of a society that would never have considered such a thing: millions of people homeless for a time being.  It’s quite the sobering picture wouldn’t you agree?

Yet, realize there is nothing to fear or worry about.  It is just a process of finding Balance.  The Earth is finding her Balance once again.  And this is what is taking place within ourselves as well.  What we see is a reflection of that which we are and what we are experiencing.  We are part of Nature even though so many of human kind believe they are above that.  Oh, the illusion is so great.

Find peace within and understand that we, as a species, are undergoing an evolutionary step.  Part of this step is a rise is consciousness and conscious awareness.  Times are changing and will continue to do and demonstrate such.  It is time for humanity to change as well.  We cannot remain the ‘same’, ‘as it used to be’ anymore.  Those patterns of belief are becoming more and more obsolete.  Perhaps you are  experiencing this right now.  A relationship not working; a job, a residence or lack thereof, a location to live.  You get the idea.

Change is at hand in proportions that we have never experienced before.  So consider this:  whatever is not working in your life, that which you find struggle with, simply change it.  Change your viewpoint, your response, your reactions.  We are creatures of habit, each and every one of us.  It’s not easy to stop and change a habit.  Yet, it is time to exercise the discipline to do so.  Changing a viewpoint changes your reality.   Yes, in a moment, your reality can be changed.  How?  Just by changing how you think about it!  Yet, it’s that simple.

So consider playing with changing your mind.  Our thoughts create.  Our thoughts create our reality.  Be aware of what you are thinking and considering looking at your reality.  You will find that your reality will be a reflection of that which you are thinking.  The power of thought is profound in its greatest capacity.  So, just be aware of what you think.  Create this new habit.  For it is higher consciousness awareness.

We are here together.  You and I and all of us upon the planet, 6,000,000,000 strong.  The one affects / effects the whole.  Your part is paramount and important.  Thank you for being here and now with me and the many.  We truly are one disguised as 6,000,000,000.  We have arrived at a magnificent time in our human evolution.  It is our time to shine.

Many blessings….  I’Maya
