Beyond Belief… New Release!

 What is belief anyway?  Only groups of thoughts bundled together and perceived and held as ‘truth’.  I invite you to journey with me beyond mind, beyond body….beyond belief.  In this space and place, all things are possible!

Part of my world is my music.  Beyond Belief was just completed today.  I invite you to check out the new release of Beyond Belief here:  You’ll hear the full version.   

I thank you and appreciate your taking the time to listen to that which moves and involves through me. 

It is an honor to share it with you.  If you like it, share it with another….


Beyond the Illusion…

Sometimes we, as humans, become so locked into the illusion of this reality.  Illusion?  Well, yes.  What we see is all reflective.  Reflective of what you might ask?  And the reply is this:  What you observe on the outside is nothing but a reflection of what ‘is’ on the inside of yourself. 

You see, what you see, is all you.  There is nothing or anybody else.  This is the ultimate illusion.  That there is separation is the ilussion we have lived within for eons of time.  Now, in these present moments, does this begin to dismantle.  Soon, there will be awareness that there is only, what I refer to as: Oneness.  It is all about we and us… not me and them.

It is time to embrace that we are united as a species.  In other words, we are all here, upon this planet…together.  It is time that unity be embraced.  And Creation will teach us this.  How…well, ‘natural disasters’ are helping, aren’t they?  At least in these moments and frames of time do we, as a group, come together to help one another.

Coming together.  It is time.  Why wait for a ‘need’ to express itself before offering an act of kindness…for nothing in return?  As you give, so will it be given multifold in return.  Reach out a hand, offer a smile to one that you would not have considered before this moment.  And the gift and grace of such offering will be received beyond your imagination by the one receiving. 

Smile and be smiled upon.  Touch with compassion and receive such compassion.  Lend that helping hand and be helped as well along your way.  Consider restructuring what has been learned over, even just this current lifetime.  It’s about ‘we’…  And when the moment arrives that you realize that there is nothing outside of yourself and that when you help another you are really, in truth, helping yourself…. you have touched upon The Oneness that is All.

There is nothing that exists outside of yourself.  You are all of it.  Do you like what you see?  If not, it takes only a moment to change it.  How?  By shifting and changing your position upon it.  Perceptions, thoughts and beliefs create.  Just change your mind!  It all changes in that very moment.

Stepping beyond the illusion of separation and that there is an ‘outside’.  Hmmmm….   I’m here to remind you that there is only you. 

If you would like to listen the music created called:  Dis-Illusioned by I’Maya, click on this link:  And I thank for taking the time to listen.  Music is a part of my world and I enjoy sharing it.